Rosemary’s Gift & Yarn Shop
39 Roosevelt Trail, Windham, ME 04062
207-894-5770 [email protected]
Gathering Hands was founded by Rosemary Libby of Rosemary’s Gift & Yarn Shop in 2005. This group is composed of those who love to knit and crochet who share a common goal of helping others through various projects.
Working together, we can make a difference!
Thank you for allowing Gathering Hands to help in this small way.
OPERATION MAINE HOMELESS SHELTERS: This is a project to help the homeless in Maine by providing handknit or crochet items for any member of the family. You can make any item that would fit from birth through adult and they can be any project you think they would like such as hats, scarves, baby sweaters, mittens, etc. Your items will be delivered to a homeless shelter in Maine.
OPERATION SUNSHINE BEARS: This is a touching and fun project. I have a free one-seam knit Teddy Bear pattern available at the shop or by email at your request. The bears will be donated to the Ronald McDonald House, Fire and Police stations in Maine. These are wonderful Teddy Bears and I hope you will participate by making them too and help bring a smile to the face of a child. I want to give a very special “Thank You” to Eva McDonald who created this pattern and gave me permission to use and alter it for this project.
OPERATION RICHIE’S CAP: This is a project dear to my heart for making chemo caps for cancer patients in memory of my sweet friend, Ritchie Aaron of Cornish, Maine. I have created a knit or crochet pattern that is free when you make a cap to donate to my program, however you may use any hat pattern you desire. This project continues to be such a success as I receive hats from all over the country from customers that have come by the shop or read about it on-line and mail them on to me. I encourage soft yarns for warm caps for winter months and cotton, bamboo, etc. for summer months to protect against the sun.
OPERATION WARM HANDS: This is another wonderful project making mittens for donation for the winter season to those in need, especially in local schools. What a great small project for the knitter with little time and so worthwhile to a child with cold hands! I invite you to help in this project……it is a great summer project too! The most needed sizes are grades K-5.
I invite you to become a part of “Gathering Hands” by contacting Rosemary at:
207-894-5770 or [email protected] you are not in the area and would like to participate you can drop off or mail your items to:
Rosemary’s Gift & Yarn Shop, 39 Roosevelt Trail, Windham, Maine 04062
Thank you,…….Rosemary Libby